Personal Lines
Insurance Marketing
As Originally Promised
Know your carrier’s competitive position in real-time, before buying a lead, click or call.

The Problem
You learn your competitive position on Auto and Home insurance prospects AFTER acquiring a lead. Consumers often remark your price is higher than other carrier quotes gathered and/or the price they currently pay. When that happens, everyone loses

The Solution
With our advanced Competitive Position Score (CPS) metrics, you obtain the ability to know your carrier’s competitive position in real time BEFORE buying a lead, click, or call.
Use it as a filter, bid more/less for the lead, and optimize prioritization processes. Carriers query First Interpreter via API with prospect quote data (no PII). Our API delivers the advanced CPS metrics in fractions of seconds for each risk!

The Result
Happy consumers and insurance agents. First Interpreter enables carriers and agents to minimize unproductive and unhappy consumer interactions and drive more sales at lower acquisition costs.
* In the late 90’s when we originally promised to connect consumers and insurance providers in a safe, easy, and effective manner, this is exactly how we imagined it.
Who We Are
First Interpreter’s CPS product is made possible by its permanent, exclusive arrangement with Quadrant Rating Solutions’ unique data and technology. This proprietary database is now accessible in real-time to inject advanced CPS metrics into the digital and offline personal lines insurance ecosystem.
FI provides the first and only API that considers an unlimited, unbiased carrier selection for Auto and Home insurance in all 50 states plus D.C. to accurately score the insurance carrier and drive our advanced CPS metrics.

What Makes Us Different
We do not reveal rates to anyone, including consumers. Real-time advanced CPS metrics are available for all top carriers (both large and small companies including the top 5 carriers in that state determined by written premium). Advanced CPS metrics are also available for carriers that have multiple underwriting companies (e.g., for preferred, standard, and non-standard risks) and for carriers that are regional and national in scope.
Accuracy is our North Star. Carriers submit for approval of rating plan changes with each state department of insurance, and we obtain these submissions on a timely basis. We accurately address all carriers’ credit, discounts such as combining home with auto, renewal, special endorsements, or other insurance particulars
For increased precision, carrier customers have the option of including their generated rates to derive the advanced CPS metrics. We enable secret computing technology to conduct these computations in an encrypted fashion, so even we don’t know your rate and the resulting advanced CPS metrics!